How to Solve the Most Complex Puzzles in "The Witness"

  • 18-05-2024 |
  • Sofie Lund

Explore the serene but demanding journey of 'The Witness,' a praised puzzle title. Journey through an island's rich, enigmatic landscapes brimming with intricate puzzles set to challenge your perception, analytical skills, and problem-solving prowess. This guide offers insights and tactics to help you navigate the toughest parts of the game, enhancing your overall gameplay and assisting you in discovering the hidden mysteries of the island.

Understanding Basic Puzzle Mechanics

Before diving into the more sophisticated puzzles, it's crucial to grasp the foundational mechanics that "The Witness" employs. The game introduces a unique language of symbols and rules, which players must interpret to solve puzzles. Start with simpler puzzles to familiarize yourself with symbols like black and white squares, colored dots, and various lines. Understanding what each symbol signifies is the key to progressing through more complex sections.

Pay Close Attention to the Environment

One of the unique aspects of "The Witness" is its environmental storytelling. The island itself is rich with clues and alignments that guide problem-solving. Be on the lookout for visual cues from the surroundings that align with your current puzzle. Shadows, reflections, the position of structures, and even the sounds can provide critical information. Analyzing how these aspects interact with puzzles is essential for cracking some of the game's trickiest challenges.

Advanced Techniques and Tips

The Witness

Breaking Down the Puzzle Panels

As you encounter more complicated puzzles, breaking them into manageable components is helpful. Approach each puzzle by isolating the elements involved. Identify the symbols and consider their rules. Slowly start combining elements to see how they interact with each other. This method makes complex panels more manageable and more approachable.

Experimentation Is Key

Remember to experiment with different solutions, especially when facing seemingly impossible puzzles. "The Witness" often encourages trial and error as a learning tool. Each failed attempt provides insight into what doesn't work, gradually leading you to the correct solution. Keep adjusting your approach based on the feedback you get from each attempt.

Solving Specific Puzzle Types

Hedge Mazes and Their Clues

The Witness

The hedge mazes in "The Witness" are perplexing because they require keen observation outside the maze to solve them. Look around the maze for visual or auditory clues suggesting the path forward. For instance, the crunching of leaves or the direction of opened gates might guide your route. Attention to these subtle hints is crucial in deciphering the correct path through the mazes.

Color-Based Puzzles

Color plays a vital role in many puzzles throughout "The Witness." Sometimes, the solution depends on recognizing color patterns or how colors are used within the puzzle. However, it's important to note that not all players perceive color similarly. The game accounts for color blindness by providing alternative ways to solve these puzzles, often involving understanding the saturation and brightness as clues.

Leveraging Tools and Resources

Using Pen and Paper

One effective strategy while playing "The Witness" is using pen and paper to sketch puzzles. This can particularly aid in solving complex puzzles that involve multiple steps or large grids. Drawing the puzzle out helps in visualizing the pathways and rules, making it easier to manipulate and understand them.

Seeking Non-Spoiler Hints

The Witness

If you find yourself stuck, it might be tempting to look up the solutions. However, this can spoil the satisfaction of solving puzzles on your own. Instead, search for non-spoiler hints or nudges. Several online communities and forums offer hints that can point you in the right direction without giving away the answer outright, preserving the challenge and joy of discovery.


"The Witness" is a profoundly engaging and beautifully crafted puzzle game that challenges the intellect and creativity of its players. By mastering basic mechanics, being observant, and methodically approaching each challenge, you can solve the game's most convoluted puzzles. Remember, every puzzle is designed to be solvable so that you will unravel the island's mysteries with patience and strategic thinking. Delight in pursuing knowledge and exploration, allowing each resolved challenge to offer you joy and an exhilarating sense of accomplishment.